The sync completes within a few seconds, and I have all my Google data now on my desktop. And I'll click Yes, when it asks if I'm ready to begin synchronizing. I'll click on Allow, and then I'll click OK. I'll just accept the standard options that it gives me, and, as I go through the wizard, Google will display a request for permission to access its data, which is what you're seeing here. The first time I run DejaOffice CRM I'll get a setup wizard. Once downloaded, I'll run the installer and follow the on-screen instructions to install DejaOffce CRM on my computer. I'm going to download DejaOffce CRM for Google using the link below. I'm starting with all my data in Google, as you can see in my browser. And we'll also show you some of the features that are included in DejaOffice CRM for Google. Today we're going to show you how to use DejaOffice CRM to manage Google contacts, calendar, and tasks directly from your PC. Pin your Contact list to search your Gmail Contacts quickly to find phone numbers or make notes. Pin your Calendar to give instant access to your schedule and make updates to it. Pinned windows feature puts a Google Calendar Gadget on your Windows PC Desktop. Automatic sync to Google, Android and iPhone.

Now you can Schedule events, add contacts, create tasks from your PC Desktop without ever opening your browser.